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[...] seemed, that both the performer and the composers loved every second, in every sense, and made me love them too.” (Full article in Estonian)

„Joonatan Jürgenson. "Prana"" - Ajakiri Muusika, December 2023 

Veeda Kala

„Duo has been playing together for a long time and has also recorded the piece, so the performance was well-balanced and very solid due to being played for many times;[...].” (Full article in Estonian)

„T-ubinasaak Ajakiri Muusika, December 2021

Andre Hinn

The Sonata for Alto-saxophone was one of the highlights of the whole festival. It was absolutely superbly done.” Pille Taniloo (Full programme in Estonian)

„Helikaja 15. oktoobril: Festival TubIN Tartus - Klassikaraadio, Helikaja, 15th of October 2022 

Liina Vainumetsa, Pille Taniloo ja Ardo Ran Varres    ▷LISTEN TO THE PROGRAMME

„Helikaja. Plaadinõel. Rene Laur, Joonatan Jürgenson "Pildid lapsepõlvest" - Klassikaraadio, Helikaja19th of June 2022 

Nele-Eva Steinfeld and Joonas Neumann    LISTEN TO THE PROGRAMME

„The duo's ensemble on the new album is detailed, multilayered and truly enjoyable.” (Full article in Estonian)

„Joonatan Jürgenson (klaver), Rene Laur (saksofon). "Pildid lapsepõlvest".” Ajakiri Muusika, December 2021

Tiiu Sisask

„Album. Pildid lapsepõlvest. Rene Laur, Joonatan Jürgenson (JJ 2021)” - Klassikaraadio, Album,

10th of November 2021 


„Delta. Külas on helilooja Jonas Tarm, pianist Joonatan Jürgenson ja saksofonist Rene Laur” - Klassikaraadio, Delta, 22nd of Oktoober 2021 


„Album. Joonatan Jürgenson. Schumann ja Tšaikovski. (JJ 2020)” - Klassikaraadio, Album,

31st of March 2021 


„[...] the music on the CD has been recorded at a high professional level, representing intelligent style free from excessive elements.” (Full article in Estonian)

„Joonatan Jürgenson” - Ajakiri Muusika, November 2020 

Jorma Toots

Exceptionally enjoyable was the dialogue between the solo instruments in the second movement Adagio.” (Full article in Estonian)

„Maailma lõpus on orkester” - Ajakiri Muusika, May 2017 

Anneli Tarkmeel

Pianist Joonatan Jürgenson's performance was very good, additionally they had fine ensemble with the conductor. There are Mozart-like figures in the Double Concerto of young Mendelssohn and Jürgenson performed them with enchanting ease.

„Kevadkontsert oli nime väärt” - Saarte Hääl, Saarlaste Päevaleht, 5th of April 2017 

Erki Aavik

It caught my eye, that the young man with a calm manner of playing could attune the music very sensitively to the ensemble. We will definitely hear more from this talented pianist in the Estonian music scene.” (Full article in Estonian)
„Orkestriga saabus tõeline kevad” - Meie Maa, Saare maakonna päevaleht, 4th of April 2017

Anneli Tarkmeel

He is definitely a young, talented and masterful pianist whose performance was inspiring to follow.” (Full article in Estonian)

„Joonatan Jürgensoni klaverikontsert Nõo muusikakoolis” - Nõo Valla Leht, 1st of October 2016

Milvi Pensa

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